Total Resync After Upgrade To 1.4


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I upgraded to seperate installations from 1.3 to 1.4 and both had problems. One was a series of 6 folders. 5 of the six, which were small, converted with no problem. The 6th was about 133 GB and had to eventially be redone (disconected and readded). Even though the folders on the peers are about 99% identical, BTSync wants to resync them in total, it's still going today as I write this and has been doing so for about 2 weeks. The other installation is a single 600 GB folder and it is also about 99% identical on the peers. I don't expect this one to be done resyncing for another month.


My question is why is BTSync wanting to resync everything again when almost everything is the same already???


P Prog

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