Peer Status Question


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Hi All,


I've got a "one RW to many RO" sync setup and the RO's have "Overwrite any changed files" checked in Preferences. When I view the peers I'll see a few of them with a status that shows a green up arrow, file size and "x" files but they never fully sync like most are showing. What's happening in this situation and what do I need to do to get them in sync? All are on 1.4.93 Beta, Win 7.



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Your "one RW to many RO" description isn't quite correct: RO nodes can also share data between themselves, which is why you're seeing some of them "uploading" data.


In terms of some of them "never fully syncing", firstly, please update to the latest beta build 1.4.99 and see if that resolves your issue. If not, it's worth checking that the contents of the .sync\IgnoreList file for the folder you're syncing are identical on each device.

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Thanks for the quick reply!


Ok, I get what your saying about them sharing between themselves. I guess I didn't understand that the status was indicating that a particular peer was uploading to another machine. If that is the case, if everything was working properly, shouldn't the files listed as "uploading" disappear fairly quickly? In my case I have a couple of peers that are showing the same files uploading for a number of days now. I'll try the other two suggestions you had to see if that helps...

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Upgraded all systems to latest beta and all ignore lists are the same. No UI messages about locked files. Didn't solve the issue. On one of the systems that was exhibiting the issue, I tried disconnecting the folder and re-adding it without deleting the files and it wouldn't complete a re-sync. Disconnected again and deleted the contents of the sync folder and the re-sync completed fine and it's not exhibiting the issue any longer.


I have one system left exhibiting the issue that I haven't messed with in case you want me to try anything else.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to all for being so helpful!


I was able to fix this on my own. So, in my case, all the RO peers are supposed to UNCHECK “Store deleted files in folder archive” and CHECK “Overwrite any changed files" in Preferences. These two particular PC's didn't have those set as they should. As soon as I corrected them, they synced properly!


Thanks again!

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