A Way To Feed Btsync With Files/folders/changes For A Key


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Imagine I want to use btsync to share a folder, but that folder does not actually exist.


Well, it does not exist on a file system that btsync can scan and checksum.


I'd like a way to tell btsync:

  • create a new shared folder (that is, create a new key);
  • don't care about the actual location on the local file system to bind that key to;
  • ask me (the API client) about the folder structure, file enumeration, file content stream etc;
  • I (the API client) will tell you when changes happen (file content changes, file creation, file deletion, file moving, ACL, ownership, ...);
  • when the API client is not connected to btsync, handle the (virtual) folder as unavailable (just like now btsync does for disconnected USB drives).


Same goal could be achieved by writing a virtual file system driver, but that's a major task for Linux/Windows, instead a way in btsync API to tell btsync that a (shared) folder is virtual and will depend on a user-mode application for all I/O could offer a portable way (for application-level developers) to share data without saving it in advance to a file system.

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