Location Advanced Config File Raspberry Pi


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Hi, I have installed btsync on my raspberrypi running debain wheezy and would like to tune down the folder rescan interval. I have found in the documentation that I need to do this en the btsync.config, however I cannot find this file on my raspberry.


Can someone help me find this file.

And are their other settings to decrease the performance?



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Try /home/pi/.config/btsync/btsync.conf


You can also generate a sample config file by running sync with the "--dump-sample-config" paramter.


In relation to "decreasing performance" - do you mean decreasing performance of Sync/increasing performance of your system, or increasing the performance of Sync/decreasing the performance of your system?


Either way, here are some of the key advanced settings which can affect performance of Sync/your system:

disk_low_priority - set to "true" will concede resources to other applications accessing storage

lan_encrypt_data - setting this to "true" can increase CPU load

folder_rescan_interval - setting this too low will increase the rate of storage access and which can in turn reduce performance of your system

recv_buf_size/send_buf_size - the higher these values, the more memory will be consumed by Sync


Also, if you're syncing folders with using encrypted keys, this can also increase the CPU usage of Sync.

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I do not have the .config/btsync folder or at least i m not able to cd into it.

Not sure how to run sync with the --config or --dump-sample-config command either.


I m able to stop btsync by the follwoing command

sudo service btsync stop

But the command suggested in the help folder does not do anything [./btsync ]

I m a bit confused.

when btsync is of i get the following response from the status command

sudo service btsync status
[ ok ] BTSYNC 'debconf-default' is running.


So I gues i m first need to create the new config file but i m clueless how.


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some extra information:


I used this guide to install btsync: https://melgrubb.wordpress.com/2014/08/03/raspberry-pi-home-server-part-14-bittorrent-sync/


to stop

sudo service btsync stop

to make an config file I tried

sudo service btsync start --dump-sample-config

but this gives me an error message that this command does not exist


If i run the below command I guess I should also get the config....

find / -name "btsync"/usr/lib/btsync/usr/share/btsync/usr/share/doc/btsync/etc/btsync/etc/default/btsync/etc/init.d/btsync

I get a lot more but they all report permission denied

I triend all folders in combination with ./btsync command to start the application however this does not work

Closest is when i go to /etc/default/ and try ./btsync it returns permission denied


I m quit a noob with this but I would like to learn.

Can someone give me some pointers?



What I in the end want to obtain is that my USB HD does not stay on all the time.

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