Android - Only Syncing Placeholders Not Actual Files


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I am uninstalling btsync because of a fundamental issue in it's approach. I know others doing the same.


From the source Windows machine, my android app syncs the subdirectory and file structure of a shared top-level directory flawlessly.  However, and crucially, it does not sync the actual files, only a placeholder to create the structure.  To sync the actual file, that is have the actual bytes on my device, I need to select that file in the Android app.


I'm syncing say 200 files.  I'm on a plane and no longer have WiFi.  I need a file that I thought was sync'd but of course no, I have not previously selected it in the app and so I am seeing only the placeholder.  So, no good.


I have hunted through all options in both target and source devices, and nothing seems to force download of the actual files.  Only the structure.  Until this changes, I will not be using this application.

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