Public Web Portal - Sync


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I'd like to use Sync to maintain files on a client facing web portal. 


I'm guessing I would just need some type of file based cms front end and the plug btsync into the backend to sync files.  Has anyone done this before or found any portals that would play nicely with btsync for this use?

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It very much depends on the nature of the content you wish to serve to end-users on a client facing web portal, i.e. "static" files (html/css/images, etc) can easily be synced with Sync, however, database content (MySQL, etc) would be harder to sync.


Similar ideas have come up before - for example, see this thread and this thread.


Also related, you might want to check out BitTorrent's new Project Maelstrom (forums here) which is an experiment into distributed web sites

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I'm not really looking for the mechanics of the site to be synced. 


My use is I have a 20 or 30 pdf files that I'd like to share with my client.  Most of my clients are in corporate environments and can't install btsync without admin permission.


I'd like to have a site they can access to view and download the pdf's.  I might password protect the site itself, but getting to the latest versions of the files would not require a software download.

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