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I have been using this new version (Black BitSynch) for a month or so and here is my two bit that might be worth considering for the next version.


It is too complicated, confusing and takes too much space. The old one (Beta version in blue) was much more straight forward and could have been configured to cut out the cloud anyway. This one has so many layers and their demarcations are not clear. 


Linking devices, identities, deleting or disconnecting from pausing each need confirmation of deleting the files but not the folders?


I thought I had disconnected and answered yes to the deletion of the files on the linked devices but then I found that the files were deleted but the folders were still there with numerically named files in them but why?


I had to delete the read only folders manually later when I started to share the same folder because it had created a new folder with the same name plus "[1]". Again why?


It should have deleted the old ones or used the same one again once it was re-linked. I am assuming that once two devices are linked then any new share gets automatically recreated in all the linked devices unless but not always. 


Shouldn't there at least be a light version and then a pro version who want detailed options? 


Then I also learned that folders can't be shared on the same device unless there are multiple installations on the same device. 



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