Folders/files Not Being Deleted Properly


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I have BTSync installed on my seedbox (server) and also on my home computer (MacBook Pro). Everything syncs perfectly, but when I delete something from my ruTorrent interface on my seedbox, those files don't get deleted from my home computer's sync folder. I set this folder to read only from my home computer's side and read/write on the seedbox side. Do I need to set both to have read/write permissions? Seems like read only should work unless I'm not understanding something correctly. Thanks in advance for the help!


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If your home computer got RO folder - it won't be able to delete anything from seedbox or any other peers. You need to get RW permissions there. Then all changes done on your MBP will propagate to seedbox and other peers.


@RomanZ, I think you confused the order in which I'm doing things. I don't want to delete FROM my MBP, I want to delete FROM my seedbox (which has RW access). Shouldn't it be deleting from my MBP if I'm doing things in that order? Thanks for the help!

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Oh, got you. Well, yes, they should get deleted from your MBP... only if MBP did not change these files. If MBP changes some files, by default Sync is going to stop tracking them and won't update them with new changes done on RW peer (and won't delete).


You can alter this behavior by setting the "Overwrite any changed files" checkbox on your MBP in folder preferences.

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