Is Bittorrent Sync Resyncing Files Already In There? Ff So Why?


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I've got a master folder that is read only (A), which is synced to a folder on another computer (  B).


Both folders already exist and have the same files in it.  Appx 2.4TBs.


When I set up this read only sync, BitTorrent Sync wouldn't let me sync A to B.  It would make a new folder of A on the B computer.  So I just copied all of B's files into the newly created folder on the B machine.


On the B machine, all of the files in the sync folder have a little circle next to them, not sure what that means, but 




But it appears to me that BTS is trying to write over all of the files even though they are the same.  


Here is the status in BTS, showing 0% up and 0% down.  Also note that the size column is way off.




The status bar icon has been spinning for days but also indicates 0%.




If the case is that BTS thinks it has to rewrite all of the files, if there a way to tell it that the files are the same?


Also I have overwrite any changed files turned off so I don't believe it is that.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by bcassin
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Same problem on my setup as well, but mine are all using Windows 8.1


I have a set of "master" read-only folders with one BTS license and then have my other machines on another license and those are either set to sync all = yes or sync all = no.


All of the "non-master" machines are showing thousands of files that need to be "updated" and/or replaced?  But they are not transferring anything.


However, when I attempt to sync a new file partnership within a pre-existing shared folder, the new sync starts and completes as expected.


I have been using BitTorrent Sync since the early beta 1 days and can't honestly remember having so many issues. 


It seems to me that the BitTorrent Sync team was either too ambitious with their new feature set, or they took 2.0 out of beta (alpha?) testing too soon.


Im nearing the point of carrying going back to carrying around a "portable san" with all my files on it and give up on the promises of BTS.

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