Arbitrary Delay Between Finding A New File And Syncing It


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I use BTSync to sync files between my external hard drive and my VPS website. With registry editing and batch scripting, I have a right click context menu on the files on my external HDD that lets me copy the public website URL to my files to the clipboard. BTSync has been my very best friend in this.


In normal circumstances, I save a file to my external HDD or drag and drop one in, BTSync immediately notices it, and immediately it is synced to my website. Wonderful!


However, I've just started using the screen capture program ShareX, for capturing video and saving it to my external hard drive and generating the public link to copy. This uses the command line video tool FFMPEG to record video and save it to the external HDD simultaneously, as it records.


My problem: under this usage scenario, sync immediately notices the file, but it waits for a solid minute before attempting to send it to my VPS. Both my local BTSync and the VPS web GUI of BTSync show that it recognizes the file in the queue, but still they wait. I suspect they are waiting to be totally sure the file is complete before starting the upload. This is incredibly annoying when wanting to quickly capture video and paste the link to a friend.


How can I get BTSync to start uploading these procedural files immediately instead of waiting? I didn't have this problem a year or two ago when I did similar activities.

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This is very likely because when file is created, it actually is still locked by app that created it. In former versions of Sync it gave 10 seconds prior syncing file, while now it attempts right away and increases delay every time it fails. We are planning to make some changes to address it. Keep an eye on change log for configurable delays in future releases.

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