Cannot Get Going On Freebsd


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I installed btsync under freebsd from ports and I went to http://server:8888/gui/ where it asked for a user and password, so I tried logging in as root..


Now I cannot figure out how to actually sync anything too or from the machine. I enter the key for my home BTSYnc and it's accepted, but as soon as I try to select a folder on the server to link to and press "Add" I get an error "Please enter a valid Key". If I try to just add a directory I get "Don't have permission to write to folder".


What I want to do is setup btsync to keep the server's /usr/local/www/ directory synced to my local machine.


Edit: I do already have BTsync 2.0 running between three Macs on my LAN.

Edited by lbutlr
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Could you please share a sample key to me so I can test it and see if key is valid? Also, I strongly suspect that your Sync lacks permissions on your freeBSD machine. Could you please verify that the user running sync binary has enough permissions to write to its home folder as well as to the folder you want to sync?

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Sorry for the late reply, I got distracted with other things.


I don't know what you mean by a sample key.


And yes, permissions seem likely. I am launching btysync as root, but it runs as its own user. It requires write access to the folder I want to sync which I suppose I could grant it by adding it to he www group?

btsync   59363   0.0  0.3  35748  5540 ??  Ss   Mon12PM     1:46.59 /usr/local/bin/btsync --config /usr/local/etc/btsync.confroot     61022   0.0  0.3  40020  5792 ??  Ss   Mon12PM     2:13.16 ./btsync
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The output show indicates that tgere are 2 instances of Sync is running. The first one runs under btsync user and it will require RW access to:

1) folders you want to Sync

2) storage folder (it is specified in /usr/local/etc/btsync.conf file)


Second one runs under root and has full set of permissions. Although, one one of them will be available via WebUI. I'd recommend to get rid of one you run under user account and grant permissions for the one under btsync user.

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