Trouble automating sync


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I want sync to remove files from my source server when they are moved out of the sync folder on the destination server.

I have read and write key copied and both devices are syncing. However when I remove a file from the sync folder on the destination device it does not remove it from the source device and just tries to sync another copy.


Am I just doing it wrong or is this not how sync works?

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Actually I think it is working the way I want it to now. I do not know what changed but Im good with it.

I would move or delete a file and then a new .bts file would show up of the same file I just removed. but as I said I do not know what changed but its doing what I want.

One follow up question though. If I am syncing a directory with files inside of it, and the sync has completed. If I move the files out of the directory and leave an empty directory, should btsync resync the files to the directory or do nothing? I would think it would remove the files from the source leaving only an empty directory? 

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3 hours ago, jdub said:

I would move or delete a file and then a new .bts file would show up of the same file I just removed. but as I said I do not know what changed but its doing what I want.

.bts are "placeholder" files - they're present when you have "selective sync" enabled. Disabling selective sync will mean that .bts files are not created


3 hours ago, jdub said:

One follow up question though. If I am syncing a directory with files inside of it, and the sync has completed. If I move the files out of the directory and leave an empty directory, should btsync resync the files to the directory or do nothing? I would think it would remove the files from the source leaving only an empty directory? 

If you're syncing between two devices (that are setup as a two-way sync), then if you remove files from one, they will then be removed (or moved to .sync\Archive) on the other

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