Not all files are syncing


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We have BTSync running on a Server 2008 R2 remote desktop server on one end, and a Windows 2003 SP3 server on the other end. The remote desktop server usually has between 10-15 people logged in at one time. The 2003 box is physically located in the office. The 2008 server is a VM running in our data center. They have about 750GB of stuff in a single sync folder (+ sub folders).

Right now I'm on the 2008 Remote Desktop server looking in the folder D:\Shared\Docs\Sherlock Holmes\Sherlock Holmes Venues\Sherlock AMNH\Sherlock Presentation" and there's 4 files: 2 PDF's and 2 Word documents. If I look in the same folder on the 2003 server the 2 Word docs are there but the 2 PDF's are not. The user saved the PDF's (on the 2008 server) to that folder on the Feb 16th and does not have them open. They are both small, under 1MB.

Both peers have read-write.  In this instance the files were saved on the 2008 R2 Remote Desktop server, but I suspect there are other files that haven't synced.  We have Version 1.3.109 on the 2003 server and Version 2.3.2(287)(server) on the 2008 R2 box.  We’re not using SMB shares on the 2008 R2 box.  The 2003 box does have some SMB shares.  The folder_rescan_interval is set to 600 on the 2003 box.

What can we do to get, and keep, everything in sync?  Thanks!


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4 hours ago, dkuhlman said:

What can we do to get, and keep, everything in sync?  Thanks!

Unfortunately, Sync 1.3.x is considered is a very old version of sync that is no longer supported, and which compatibility with the latest versions of Sync (2.3.x at time of writing) cannot be guaranteed.

Win2k3 is considered an obsolete operating system by Microsoft and no longer supported. The highest version of Sync that you can run on 2k3 is 1.4.111, so you should certainly consider upgrading from 1.3.109 to 1.4.111 on your 2k3 machine for "better" compatibility with the latest 2.3.x builds. However, please be aware that 1.3.x and 1.4.x branches of Sync are no longer maintained.

Therefore, the "best" long-term solution would be upgrade your obsolete operating system, so that you can run the most recent versions of Sync across all your devices.

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