backup ios camera roll to two locations?


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I'd trying to backup my iphone camera roll to my personal ftp server and a local hard drive on my pc (after all just having 1 backup isn't really a backup after all). But I can't figure out how to do that without getting error messages from bittorent sync.

Can anyone help? I can't imagine that you're only allowed to copy to one location.

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@davedave Sure you can do it. If your phone and computers are linked in My Devices - it's easy. Just open the backup folder in Sync, tap it, choose "Devices" and you can add checkboxes to devices where you want backup to appear.

If you are not using my devices, all you need to is to open the computer where you already backup, open folder properties, copy the key and deliver it to your 2nd computer. Then add the folder using this key - and you'll get a backup on your second computer.

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  • 1 month later...

So I've been trying to get this solved, and my solution has now changed slightly.

I currently have my iphone backup the camera roll to external drive "N:", I would also like the backup to go to external drive "M:".

For obvious reasons both drives will never be attached to the pc at the same time (in case of a power surge I don't want to lose both drives). 

How can I achieve this? I have one pc, 2 drives, and 1 iPhone camera roll.

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Sync is not intended to deliver folders in 2 locations on a single PC or sync data between same PC's folders, so there is no "out-of-the-box" solution here. Although, there is a trick you can do if you need this solution badly. You may run 2 instances of Sync on your PC. One instance a regular one, backing up data fo drive N:, while another one must be started with a config file which forces second instance to keep service files in some other location and can get its own set of folders, one of which can deliver backup to drive M:.

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