Moving shared folders


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@BobAchgill Is your use case to store synced folder on removable media and use 2 different Sync instances to actually sync files there? If yes, 2 comments on the use case:

1. Links are tied to Sync instance. So, if some link is produced by instance A, only A and it's peers that are in My Devices list will be able to serve it.
2. In general, it is bad idea to push the same folder for 2 different Sync instances. Every instance keeps its own database corresponding to data it syncs. So every time you switch, new instance will see that some data in DB does not correspond to actual data.

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So to clarify ... is an instance a computer?  My use case is ... What if the  computer dies?  Is all the work to share huge data up in smoke and have to be redistributed and the peers contacted and asked to accept their share links and delete their old folders so versioning does not add a 1 at the end of the folders?  That seems like a waste if true.  I am hoping that I just move the 2TB external "share source" drive to another computer.  How is this disaster recovery possible if the sharing computer dies?

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@BobAchgill Well, usually "instance" is a computer, but technically one can run 2 separate copies of Sync on a single computer, so I prefer the "instance" term.

Ah, now I see your use case. You are concerned about the "owner" instance dying and inability to share new links. 2 solutions here:

1. Use your external HDD (or just keep some backed up copy of your files somewhere). Don't use advanced folders, use standard ones. Keep the RW-key of the folder in safe place. If computer dies, you can setup a new instance easily using old RW key and data from external HDD - it'll keep seeding as previous computer did.
2. Setup some Sync somewhere, keep it linked to My Devices of the owner, but keep all the folders in disconnected state. Keep data on external HDD or backup it to safe place. If computer dies, use the backup instance (it'll be the owner), just manually transfer the data to backup instance and connect the folder there.

I initially thought that you are going to switch the HDD there and back on the fly, which is bad idea.

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