The disparition of a complete folder without any peer connected


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This is the first time this problem appears to me in years.

Yesterday as I was ordering my folders with no other peer connected, a complete essential folder of mine went to the .sync folder, loosing any dates and merging it with the content precedentely saved there. Fortunately I have some rescue, so is there no bad consequencie to me.

In order to repare the trouble, I did shut down Resilio, restored the folder, apply again the changes and many others... Then I secured my job... I did well. This morning, I turned my computer on, Resilio started like allways... and it trashed once again my folder, loosing some files (very few) and redating all files to today. Debug.txt contains FFFF, so have I some logs to send to you. The Folder's name is "Intérêt". In the log last file I see this message associated to this folder : Setup entry job "FixFSErrorJob" (Google search "FixFSErrorJob Resilio" returns nothing) for path "Intérêt". I could send to you all the yesterday's log files, corresponding to the moment the problem occured, but they are to big (87 : 50Mo) for this interface.

I am quite sure that reindexing the Resilio folder from scratch will correct this problem, but I prefer to send you the description of my problem, because it might be useful for Resilio and users. I do suppose that this problem could have enormous consequencies in some case.


Win 7, Resilio Version 2.4.4


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