Start Sync Manually


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I use Sync Pro to sync file between my two computer .

When I finish some work and need to transter to another computer and shotdown this one , I can't know if the file has already sync .

The only way to know this is only to check file in target computer ,  but it is not convenient.

Is it possible to force sync right now  and know the sync between some peer is totally finish on local computer?






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Oh ~ I had checked it out.

Could it let me know one peer had already synced one file right now ?

I try create some small file , and I find the Progress is always empty whether other peer already got file and offline or just offline right now.

Is there some detail sync log report in local machine?

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If you click on the peers and next to the one in question is a checkmark then all files are synced.

I am not sure what to parse for in the log file - the log file is not consistent over releases since devs change it quite frequently.

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