Resilio Synch over 10Gbps ethernet is slow

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Hi all,

I have two computers (a MacBook Pro and a Mac Mini) directly connected with a pair of 10Gbps ethernet adapters. I use the MacMini as a file server. Both computers also have another 1Gbps ethernet adapter used to access Internet and other devices in my LAN, but enabling/disabling them does not affect what I am going to describe. 

Resilio Sync Home (Version 2.5.6) is installed in both computers. It correctly identifies the 10Gbps link and uses it, but the max speed I am able to achieve is in between 50-70 MB/s over that link – this number reported by both Resilio UI and a network monitor app. I have LAN encryption disabled. Attached you can find the advanced config I am currently using in both machines. Obviously, the link itself is working correctly — I can share and read over 10Gbps ethernet the MacMini's SSD by using AFP or SMB3 at 450MB/s, that is SSD max speed.

Any clue?





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