Android phone camera backup

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I use Resilio Sync Home Pro on my ReadyNAS to keep a backup of my phones pictures (Android and iPhone). It worked perfectly but recently my client on Android was stucked, it did upload files on the NAS but the state was always "connecting...". I could find the files on the NAS but on my phone files looked like they still needed to be backed up. I tried to fix it but at the end I decided to disconnect the old backup and create a new one and it worked.

So now I have two folders on my NAS for the same Android phone (and another folder from my old phone). Do you think is possible to merge two, or more, folders on the NAS so that I can access the entire archive of photos from my phone? I tried to just copy files into the new backup directory on the NAS but it doesn't update the view in my phone.

Thanks a lot for your

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