WebUI Custom SSL Certificate Error

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Hi All,

I am attempting to install a custom SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt for the ResilioSync Web UI, but are having a problem with it. 

I am using a Synology DSM 7 and have installed ResilioSync using the default provided package. 

ResilioSync version:

I have copied the cert.pem and privkey.pem files into the directory:


I then chmod them to 700 (have tried 777 as well) and chown them to rslsync:resiliosync so that they look like this:

-rwx------ 1 rslsync resiliosync  1914 Oct 12 16:15 cert.pem

-rwx------ 1 rslsync resiliosync  1704 Oct 12 16:15 privkey.pem

I have then edited the sync.conf file in the same directory to have this line:

"force_https": true, "ssl_certificate":"/var/packages/resiliosync/target/var/cert.pem", "ssl_private_key": "/var/packages/resiliosync/target/var/privkey.pem"

Experiences Synology DSM users will recognize that these paths include a series of links to the actual physical directories, I have even tried the actual paths without the links:

"force_https": true, "ssl_certificate":"/volume1/@appstore/resiliosync/var/cert.pem", "ssl_private_key": "/volume1/@appstore/resiliosync/var/privkey.pem"

I then restart the resiliosync package.

When I attempt to go to the WebGUI the page never returns, it actually times out. When I look at the log, I see the following lines:

[20241012 16:33:04.526] HTTPS: failed to load private key from file
[20241012 16:33:04.526] HTTPS: failed to load certificate

This is baffling to me because if I run the following:

sudo -n -u rslsync cat cert.pem


sudo -n -u rslsync cat privkey.pem

I get the expected results back which tells me the permissions are correct, so I cannot figure out why the OpenSSL library of ResilioSync is not able to open the cert.pem and/or the privkey.pem 

Any ideas? I thank you all in advance for any and all thoughts on this. 

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It would be much easier for you to use DSM7's reverse proxy to handle https:// protocol while RSL is running http only mode:

1. set up a domain name, e.g., myrsl.myname.com, for your DSM/RSL and let DSM get/renew LE certificate for that domain name;

2. set up a reverse proxy rule: https://myrsl.myname.com --> http://localhost:8888 (RSL's port)

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