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Posts posted by nunu

  1. Hi GreatMarko.


    I already have seen for untrusted node, but i will more easier if GUI interface give the key directly. (or i have miss something).

    I read that, syncing with untrusted node cost cpu time because of the encryption, but it's a little bit a shame that an encrytpion key is not provided by the gui.  The strong of sync, is that is very simple to deploy.




  2. Hi,

    first, thanks a lot for this software.


    So from next sync i would like :


    - the possiblity to add a directory to an "existing sync key", for more flexibility of what i want to share. The "workaround" i use on my nas, is to create a root directory "john", and under this directory i mount localy subdirectory with "mount -o bind .....".


    - a KEY (or an other way), to put encrypted data on a node (like untrusted node).


    - the possiblity to backup from a node to an USB device. May be it is not the primary purpose of sync, but sync is used for bakup too. OR the possibility to have on a node 2 different directories with the same key, on a special KEY for USB devices etc....


    - a KEY RW/O ? Read/Write Owner only. The purpose should be to avoid duplicating data that you don't want to loose if other node delete a file (workaournd if a mount -o bind,remount ro ... to avoid duplicating and to have data protection again delete)






  3. Hi,

    i would to have the possibility to backup my data on other peer, but with my original data crypted on it.

    So, throught the interface, i create a folder "to backup with encrytion", and then files are written encrypted on other folders. Or it could be an other king of magic key.


  4. hi,

    could it be possibel to create a share link (.torrent) to share a specific file from the private bittorent network, without giving the secret key ?

    it could be usefull, to share to somebody a file and to have the power of peer to peer.

    Maybe adding a "Time to live" settings to the link etc...



  5. Maybe it is redundant : to be able to set a ownership of the share folder. The ownership could be the first to create the directory and define a password. To "recover" the ownership after a device crash, just need to add the share folder with the "ownership" password.

    By beeing the ownership, sync share folder rules can be defined. As the purpose of the appsync is to share with friends or other guys some files, i don't want to loose my original files because one of my friends has deleted files in his shared folder. So i can duplicate all my share data, OR i define a rule to set my share folder as "undeletable" if a remote share folder has deleted one of my file.

    So what kind of rules for the ownership?
    - Read only : no files coming from other share folder will be added (there is only the ownership of the share folder that can add new files that will be synchronized with others)
    - No deletion : If a remote file "has been removed" e, the file is kept (i.e ownership folder)
    - No update : If a remote file "has been modified", the original file is kept (i.e ownership folder)

    An other important thing i think, is to be able to control who is part of the network. And it could be cool, to define a rule that ask ownership a "ADD device" request. That avoid to share folder with people that you don't want on your network!
