Automatic Coding

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Posts posted by Automatic Coding

  1. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for app!

    I really got possibility to make homemade distributed file system. Nice job!

    Common wishes:

    1. x64 version of the application.

    2. Scheduled sync and sync on demand (partialy implemented as "pause syncing").

    3. BitSync as windows service (unix daemon) without wrappers.

    Advanced wishes:

    1. Working over some popular protocols (ssh, https). If it's possible technically.

    2. Possibility to change block-size of the TTH. It can be helpful for synchronization some specific data.


    I could swear there was a 64bit version of this application? I could swear I'm running it on my laptop? Screenshot from my download log:-


    As for the two advanced wishes, they're great ideas that I didn't even think about, even more so the protocol changers. Would be great for people at work who have certain protocols blocked (I know some block pretty much everything but HTTP and HTTPs, so, tunneling under a HTTPs handshake would be a nice way around it)

  2. My question from all of this:-

    After installing I ran over to another synology across town to go ahead and try it...

    Why don't you have remote SSH set up?

    Although, I'm confused with what you mean for number 3, I can't tell if you don't like the live updating of the webUI (Which, is more than likely just AJAX) or if you don't like the live syncing of files upon changes? For number four the answer is basically, "If you can see the PC in the web-UI, it's connected."

    Last but not least, none of these have been an issue to me other than not understanding a few icons on the web-UI, which was my own lack of knowledge and not the program's fault.

  3. Can you look to any error log in event viewer?

    1. right click my computer

    2. click manage

    3. goto: computer management -> systeme tools -> event viewer -> application

    Wrong thread? He wasn't asking for help with a crash/error, he was asking how to close the program (On linux, from what it looks like).

    AS for your 2nd question OP, yes, it'll save the configuration through restarts of the program & resync any updated/deleted files upon restart.

  4. Well, I also can wait till Aug 23, 2014 and problem will resolve itself :) But this is the second case I have been observing for last 3 days and I don't think the question "how to delete such file" is critical here. The real problem to be resolved by devs - how to prevent such behavior of btsync.

    I'm not saying that the resolution is to delete it (I'm not even saying that's a work around, I said move it out, update it, then move it back in), however, I am giving you a work-around.

    As for the issue itself, I can't comment, I've not had any issues like that.

  5. File in question is not podcast.rss but and readme.

    16777223 9381841 -rwxr-xr-- 1 umputun staff 0 1149 "Apr 29 12:56:51 2013" "Aug 23 09:20:59 2014" "Apr 29 12:56:10 2013" "Apr 26 16:28:44 2013" 4096 8 0

    Not sure I understand what you suggest. I have already tried to modify this file but it got reversed by btsync. Probably if I touch it with timestamp > 1408842928 I will able to update and then delete.

    That's why I said copy it out of the btsync directory (so it's 'deleted'), touch it, then copy it back in.

    Anyway, it's not really BTSync's fault as the file technically was last modified at Aug 23, 2014.

  6. Basically, how it works if your computer advertises "Hey, does anyone have the same private key as me? YooHoo, I'm bored. Please, please, please, someone contact me", when someone else with the same private key as you (E.G. you give them it, they set up a folder that uses the same private key, they start to sync) then they'll connect and stay in sync. I don't believe there's a limit on the amount of computers you can have in sync, although, there's probably a execution limit (Before your RAM gets killed by the mass amounts of 'computer' objects or when some collection array hits it's cap (2^16? 2^32? 2^64?).

  7. Just got another case. Somehow btsync thinks timestamp is 1408842928 (2014/08/23 14:22:44.000 GMT) and reverts back all my updates for these two file every time I try to touch it. All full-access boxes have correct clock.


    Best bet would probably to copy the file out of the sync, then run "touch" on it, then copy it back in.

    But before you do that, can you run the following command on it?

    stat $filename


    stat rssproxy/podcast.rss

    It should give you something like this:-

    automatic@automatic-G74Sx:~/Sync$ stat winbox.exe
    File: `winbox.exe'
    Size: 125440 Blocks: 248 IO Block: 4096 regular file
    Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 24642583 Links: 1
    Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/automatic) Gid: ( 128/vboxusers)
    Access: 2013-04-28 23:30:23.661197107 -0400
    Modify: 2013-04-26 10:11:02.192668120 -0400
    Change: 2013-04-26 10:11:02.192668120 -0400
    Birth: -

    Can you give us what it says for said file?

  8. "It converts time to GMT and then compare it. So it compares time in the same timezone."

    I think he was more talking about if the base time was out, for instance if I have a computer that thinks today is 00:00:00 1st of January 1970 GMT, then, whatever timezone I turn it to (Hell, it can even add 12 hours to this and take 12 hours from the other timezone), the update will be overwritten by my other computer that thinks today is 1:21AM, 30th of April 2013 EST.

    Best bet would be to run an hourly/daily NTP polling system, although, I think most operation systems do this? I believe windows does it once a week (if NTP is set up), linux (or ubuntu, to be more exact. I've only really ever used ubuntu) has a program to update it (ntpupdate? ntppull? Something like that), which, I don't believe is automatically executed, routerOS has a NTP station that pulls minutely I think.

  9. Hello,

    my plan was to use a Raspberry pi with a 2 TB HDD connected via USB as Cloud storage.

    I installed it and I can reach the gui.

    However if I try to configure a folder on the external HDD it tells me that I don't have permissions to write.

    I attached a screenshot. post-24162-0-61388700-1367256697_thumb.p

    Could somebody please tell me why i don't have permission to write on the drive and how I can change it?

    Yes, I am a noob when it comes to Linux :unsure:

    Thank you in advance.

    For starters, that's a windows disk, it'll work, just notifying you in case you want to reformat it.

    Anyway, one way would be to just run btsync with "sudo" before it, which runs you as a superuser that has quite a few more permissions, other than that, just give yourself permission to write to said file. I'm also very new to linux, however, google around for "fstab" options.

  10. That may not sound very much, but it’s 16 × 60 × 24 × 30 / 1024 = ~675 MB/month. I assume that due to the nature of how you send the multicast the amount of nodes does not change the traffic volume. But now assume that an average user has 3 shares. That’s about 2 GB/month just for control data. Even if we divide it by 2 (I assume that most people turn their computers off when they sleep), we’ll have about 1 GB of control data just from BT Sync and we don’t even have to transfer one file in that time period. That’s kind of P2P’s nature, but you don’t have to make the communication that aggressive in BT Sync.

    Since when is 2GB a month a lot? Hell, I probably pull ~ 7TB/month. If you're on such a data cap that you can't even afford 2GB/month, then, you probably shouldn't be using a file sharer.

  11. The easiest way to get off of the relay connection is to forward and make exceptions specifically for sync.

    Also, it WILL work better if the listen port is open on both sides.

    Additionally, some routers' SPI firewalls cause major slowdowns and even outright block traffic by bittorrent products and should be turned off)

    Question:- If only one side is forwarded (Assuming they're both behind NATs), will the non-forwarded side realize and connect to the forwarded side without a relay?

    @OP, Are you sure it's port forwarded? Get your friend to run something like:-

    nc -lu 1234

    and then you run:-

    echo "Hi" | nc -u 1234

    Replace 1234 with the BTSync port of the other computer and with the other member's IP. You should see "Hi" appear in the first one's CLI, if you don't, there's something that's not forwarding correctly, my guess is the router (As that's the most common thing), although, could be anything.

    Here's what you should have in your router:-

     1 ;;; BitTorrentSync
    chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=$lanIPOfBitTorrentSyncComputer to-ports=$portNumber
    protocol=tcp in-interface=ether10 dst-port=$portNumber

    2 ;;; BitTorrentSync
    chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=$lanIPOfBitTorrentSyncComputer to-ports=$portNumber
    protocol=udp in-interface=ether10 dst-port=$portNumber

  12. I'm sure it's been suggested, but I think adding a gui like the new updated dropbox application would be nice. Expecially the option to open the parent folder BTSync from the menubar icon.

    Thanks for the amazing app!

    Can you take a screenshot of said 'update'? I've not used dropbox in awhile due to the fact I've had to stop using my main computer for a temporary period.

    Oh, and, I haven't used the dropbox settings/webinterface in years, just when I first login to my account and never again.