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Everything posted by davidh2k

  1. Ah sorry, I copied together some things from the default config files. Thanks to your new config file and a reboot it works now. I apprecciate your help To the one more thing: yes, seems like I interpret that wrong. PS: Nowadays you get the advice to update to wheezy, so I say it infront, because due to using OpenMediaVault, I can't upgrade
  2. Hey tuxpoldo, I see you deliver great support here. Thanks for this good and ongoing support I'm trying to get btsync to work on a debian squeeze. If I run it the "standard" way (which means running as root) it simply works, including the webinterface - i did not check if a sync works so far. But what I want to do is to run it as an unpriviliged user. But for the sake of it I cannot get it to run under another user. Alltough running as an unpriviliged user it should run with the webinterface. So I read through this thread here, especcially page 4, where someone asked something similiar. It seemed to work for him, besides the pid error he encountered... - Well, while I was writing this post I got it to run under a normal user but without webinterface - see my config below // DAEMON_UID=btsync // DAEMON_UMASK=0002 // // This example will launch the instance running under the credentials // of the user "jdoe" using 0002 as umask // The internal data of the btsync daemon will be written in // /home/jdoe/.btsync // Since the web gui is disabled, the user cannot configure anything. // The instance offers one replicated directory located in // /home/jdoe/syncdir // { "device_name": "John Doe's btsync Server", "listening_port" : 0, "storage_path" : "/home/btsync/.btsync", "check_for_updates" : false, "use_upnp" : false, "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "admin", "password" : "1234" }, "shared_folders" : [ { "secret" : "bGTbrwreXPW4XxHEmTKnX", "dir" : "/home/btsync/.btsync", "use_relay_server" : true, "use_dht" : false, "search_lan" : true, "use_sync_trash" : true } ] } root@openmediavault:/etc/btsync# netstat -tlpen | grep btsync tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1000 8975 7530/btsync-daemon So the webinterface is not running, why? Greetings David PS: Please don't advise me to upgrade to wheezy