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Posts posted by Moe

  1. I am running the latest BitTorrent Sync version on a Raspberry Pi v1 and it is perfectly fine without issues so there is no need for you to upgrade to Raspberry Pi v3.

    Like previously, it is a great help to follow the steps the Team has given to troubleshoot the issue you are experiencing.

  2. Depending on your operating system the .Sync folder is the one you are looking for.

    Back that one up and you should be able to recover all your settings and shares when you put it back.

    You don't need to backup .journal or .log files as they are just for logging and nothing else. Also the zipped logs and journal files are not crucial for the backup.

  3. On 28.2.2016 at 3:35 AM, cjsheets said:

    You can create a unit file for btsync (probably should be done automatically by the deb package).


    Create the file: /etc/systemd/system/btsync.service


    Description=Bittorent Sync service



    Actually that won't work 100%. You forgot to add the configuration file to the ExecStart command.

    It should say this:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/btsync --config /etc/btsync/config.json

    Otherwise btsync will create a new syncdata folder and not use any of your settings you have configured in your config file.

  4. If you are on Debian Jessie you can type

    systemctl status btsync

    And it will output you something like this

    moe@vps121795:~$ systemctl status btsync
    ● btsync.service - BitTorrent Sync service
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/btsync.service; static)
       Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-02-18 19:14:53 CET; 1 weeks 3 days ago
     Main PID: 19466 (btsync)
       CGroup: /system.slice/btsync.service
               └─19466 /usr/bin/btsync --config /etc/btsync/config.json


  5. So the news it out you guys! There is an official repository from the crew at BitTorrent Inc. ! YAY

    You can definitely check out what they have written up on the blog post here

    So what does that mean for the my little project? I will definitely will keep it up and maintain it. Though I will advise people to use the official repository, not just because of support cases but also just for standardization etc.

    Right now if there is a newer version than there is via auto-update you won't be able to install it using the official repository. With the script, you can just pass the link Roman or any other person is posting for the latest version (which is not always available via the website or the update function in BitTorrent Sync itself) and install said version. If you want to run the very latest version and be on the edge of things you can do that with my script.

    All that requires me re-writing some things especially now that I will be supporting systemd and the old service.

    I'll keep you posted :)