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  1. Hello tuxpoldo, thank you very much for your work, i found it very useful. I'm trying to implement a data sync service between two vps on linode, so when i found btsync, i discard all the other complex to manage solution that does not fit my needs. Right now i have a huge problem with btsync instances that are both running on its relative server, but can't see each other. Both server running Ubuntu 13.10 and got same configuration (the second one is a clone of the first one). Since linode provide private networking, (and the private traffic is not billed ) i'm trying to perform sync over private network. I've installed bind-shim and set DAEMON_BIND to the respective private IP address in both machines. Now when is start/restart btsync service (DAEMON_INIT_DEBUG=1) the message: Bind address: '192.168.134.xx'gives me hope about right interface has been binded for sync, but if i look at the /var/lib/btsync/sync.log: [20140517 18:55:55.732] Using IP address me that btsync is using the public address instead the one i specified. Here my /etc/network/interfaces as linode wants private address to be configured: auto eth0 eth0:1#public addressiface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway addressiface eth0:1 inet static address 192.168.134.xx netmask you can see the private address is defined as secondary IP for eth0 using an interface alias. Can this be the problem? Googling around gives me on result, i'm the only one having this problem or maybe it's about a misconfiguration? Here my btsync conf file: //// DAEMON_GID=root// DAEMON_BIND=192.168.134.xx//{ "device_name": "firstnode", "storage_path" : "/var/lib/btsync", "listening_port" : 0, "check_for_updates" : false, "use_upnp" : false, "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, "disk_low_priority" : true, "lan_encrypt_data" : false, "lan_use_tcp" : true, "rate_limit_local_peers" : false, "folder_rescan_interval" : 600, "send_buf_size" : 100, "recv_buf_size" : 100, "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "username", "password" : "password" }}since webui listen to localhost, i use nginx as reverse proxy in order to access to the webui. Hope you can help me in solve this problem. Best regards