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  1. not sure i follow - i want to monitor a btsync daemon using any means.. (snmp, api call via http, whatever) to make sure none of the nodes are too far behind. i'm not trying to use btsync as a monitoring daemon (replacement for snmpd etc).
  2. i'd like to monitor my btsync clients with something like nagios that asks something simple like "when did you last sync" - any way to do this without purchasing api or syncIT licenses? seems like my other option would be something relatively ghetto like having a script touching one file per node with the current timestamp and make sure they all match.. like /test/node[1|2|3|4] thanks.
  3. sorry about the rambling, just exploring as many cases since it would be used strictly to sync between servers, not to/from users/workstations/mobile devices. thanks for the information and i'll get back to you if i run into any scenarios like the ones i outlined.
  4. this shouldn't be an issue since with btsync everyone knows about eachother to begin with, what i meant was with the file-copy based approach (rsync for example) everyone races to distribute the file since once it's updated on disk lsyncd (or whatever) is triggered saying "oh hey, the file was just updated" regardless of how it was updated. i was looking at it like a database where if one or nodes lose connectivity with the others and one or both remain writable then what happens when they connect again. if the same file is written to on both sides of the split then the most recent is chosen when they rejoin. i'm still a bit confused how removing a file would work since despite the fact that the file is removed on 50% of the nodes, the other 50% still has the file. i'll assume that btsync is smart enough to know when a file is ready to be copied even if it's being uploaded or actively modified.
  5. when uploading a large quantity of files, most of which are small (under 500kb), i've found that btsync is incredibly slow replicating to peers. i've read that updating the send/receive buffers only helps for improving the transfer speed of large files but i've seen nothing about improving the replication speed of (new) small files. any tips?
  6. Hi all – I’m looking for a replacement for an antiquated (and slow) nfs configuration that we use for our servers (about 40 total, but several different volumes) and am testing some different software including lsyncd, csync2, syncthing, and btsync. I haven’t seen a lot of lan-only or enterprise threads here but maybe that discussion has been limited moreso between clients and support. I’m hoping you guys could offer some insight. First let me list the things I’m looking for: 100% internal – no access to an external tracker and i want no discovery/broadcast traffic of any sort. Each sync’d folder would be shared among 4-12 servers across several datacenters (private wan) of varying latencies. Each synced folder could contain a few dozen or a few hundred files, it’s not determined if we’d be using this for deployment or just for keeping potentially dynamic data in sync. Each server is considered commodity, aka everyone is equal. No centralized tracker, no master server of any sort.. everything is an equally disposable asset. I need to be able to add and remove servers at any time. Some of my concerns: Race conditions – something I ran into when using the lsyncd + csync2 combo is when a sync is triggered with more than two nodes there was a cascade effect.. Copying files from node 1 -> node 2,3,4 would cause node 2 to sync to node 1,3,4, then node 3 to sync to nodes 1,2,4… etc. this in theory causes data to be distributed quicker but it’s bad because you have more than one server trying to copy a single file to a server. Load increases on all servers and network congestion becomes an issue with large files. Adding new servers – if I join a new server to the cluster that has no files in a synced folder what happens? Is there ANY chance that the existing servers will experience data loss? I can not risk data loss in any way, shape, or form. Max files and/or servers before performance degradation? Would adding additional nodes of higher latency effect the replication speed between the nodes with lower latency? How are split brain scenarios resolved? For example if you have two datacenters with four nodes each, the wan connection is broken for five minutes, however changes are made on both sides of the wan. When the connection is restored how does btsync deal with that? How does btsync handle files that are currently being written to? For example a file that is being uploaded or a log file that is continuously being written to for 30 seconds. I’m sure some of these things have been covered elsewhere in the forum but I figured it might be good to get them all in an “enterprise” thread. Any input at all is appreciated, thanks in advance!