Frank Maier

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Posts posted by Frank Maier

  1. Resilio Sync already just uses 324MB memory on your NAS. That's not really a lot nowadays. The processes seem to be child processes and don't consume 324MB each, but together they share the memory to my understanding. Of course, your NAS just has 512MB, but that's just not anything usable to begin with. Even a low end Raspberry Pi 3 has 1GB RAM. (which might be even a better NAS for you, than your low end Synology, which Synology specific features you might not even use, just an assumption.)

    In the linked post the user Helen describes one simple RAM calculation and a way to temporarily reduce the RAM footprint.

  2. How many files are you syncing? Supposing there's no bug, Resilio Sync will work on those machines, if you don't sync too many files. But in the end, the DS218j is still a very slow NAS and maybe not the best choice for such tasks.

    Totally different idea: The two Synology NAS most propably have a Synology App which does keep several Synology NAS in sync (some kind of realtime rsync), why don't you use this app, to keep both NAS in sync and only run Resilio Sync on the faster NAS?

  3. How do you intend to to solve conflicts? Like, you deleted "wonderful.jpg" and just a minute later you created a new one, called "wonderful.jpg".
    You also don't solve the problem of file corruption. Like, you created a "wonderful.jpg" image, and, accidentially, overwrites it with a blank image. The image is gone, no backup.

    So what you want is a backup, not a sync. Or in Windows you could additionally use something like File History.

  4. Create a second identity and manually add the folders with the share key. Problem solved. You don't have to make everything complicated.

    It also does not make sense to hide folders on the same identity, that's against the purpose of the Pro license. It also does not work, because who defines which folders are visible or not, thus you need some kind of master installation which handles the "rights", which is against a p2p concept.

  5. You have a low end NAS with a very slow CPU. NAStester seems to test with large files. So most NAS are able to achieve 100MB/s. On the other hand, small files reduce the speed drastically. You could test your transfer speed by copying lots of small files, I doubt you get anything above 20 MB/s.

    Can you take a look at the CPU usage. I suspect your CPU is the limiting factor. Resilio Sync does not simple copy the file in bulk, but splits it up in multiple parts, has to verify the correct transmission, ...

  6. Neither of them will properly work with Resilio Sync.

    The two main ready to use NAS suppliers, which deliver fast and versatile NAS are Synology and QNAP. QNAP tends to offer NAS with more powerful hardware, to connect it to a TV and use it as a multimedia station. Synology tends to offer products which resemble more with a server.

    Both of them offer low cost products, like the 216 or 218. They have A low power ARM processors, which are specialized. This means: They are slow as general purpose processor, but optimized for specific use cases, like network. So a NAS with a ARM processor is mainly a fast NAS, not more not less.

    Both Synology and QNAP also offer higher priced versions using x86 processors from Intel or AMD. They are faster in general and more versatile. Such NAS support virtualization, so you could install additional operating systems on them. They also support more apps.

    The biggest advantage in your case is, you can upgrade the RAM in these NAS. Resilio Sync needs both a fast CPU and lots of RAM (depending on how many files you have, +8GB is ideal). Both the 216 or 218 have way too few RAM. Resilio Sync will struggle or fail at all.

    So my advice:

    Buy a Synology or QNAP. Select one with an Intel or AMD CPU (in the low cost region only Intel versions are available) and try to upgrade the RAM to at least 8GB.

  7. I don't understand your problem by managing the files on the NAS for all users. As I understand you want to create one folder for each user: /home/<user>/ResilioSync 

    So all you have to do is create this folder on each client, install Sync on each client, upgrade it with the license key and create an indivdual account for each user. In the end, you have four independent users, which share the same license but don't see each other. Then, each user has to create the share key and you add it to the sync installation on your NAS and link the folder to its correct path. That's it. That's done a single time and you won't have to touch it again. On your client you only see the shared folders of your account and don't see the folders of the others. On the NAS you see only the folders, which you added manually with the key. In theory, you don't need a license at all for this, if you don't use the pro features (Advanced Folder, Selective sync). It's like 4 independent Resilio Sync people use a fifth user (NAS) with which they share different kind of folders.


    The alternative is to run Resilio Sync for each user, so each user has it's own Resilio Sync instance. If it's worth the trouble, I doubt it, especially, because in the end, you're the one who takes care of the NAS and you're the one who will have to fix it, if something is broken. So in the end, you also need to have access to the instances. It's just complicated.

  8. Resilio runs the Tracker and Relay Servers. If you licences Resilio Connect, you can run your own servers.

    However, Resilio Sync works without them, too. You don't have to use them, you can disable the use of them. Without tracker servers, you won't be able to find other devices with a dynamic IP however.

    You can only 'see' the IP of connected devices. You won't be able to see my files or my devices without my key.

  9. You have a very small and old NAS with only 256MB RAM. So practically no free RAM left for additional applications.

    Yet, Resilio Sync is an application which requires lots of RAM:

    On 7/11/2017 at 4:41 PM, Helen said:

    RAM is taken by database files. Database keeps record of each entry in the sync share - currently present files and the ones that have ever been in the share. Entry - is the file itself, and also each subdir level in its path. Each entry takes up around 2KB of RAM. The bigger folder tree you have, the more nested folders, the more file changes/deletions, the bigger DB grows, as Sync needs to remember all those entries. 

    In my opinion, with less than 1GB free RAM, you won't be happy.

  10. 1) Maybe they have different time stamps. Normally it should work and sync shouldn't transfer all files again. Are you sure it really transfers the files?

    2) You might try to use selective sync (you need the Pro version therefore: Or you sync the subfolders instead of the root folder and connect only the recent active folder which only contains some parts.

  11. You could buy just a single pro license and use it on all your machines. It will work as you explained. 

    The drawback: This license is supposed to be used by one individual. All the machines have access to all the files. 

    So if some of those machines belong to other family members, you should buy the family license, purely based on the license. This also allows you to set up a user for your kids, so they can't access your private data. 


    Resilio sync can work, in the local network, independently. However, Sync also uses tracker and relay servers, operated by Resilio, which are useful to sync mobile devices outside the LAN. 


    If you alter a file, it will overwrite this file on all clients. However, first it will move the old file, on each client, to an archive folder and keep the file available for a few weeks.