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  1. I commented out one line in /lib/systemd/system/resilio-sync.service so that it looks like this (PIDFile): The PIDFile is set in the resilio-sync config anyway and is still created with the correct PID inside. root@debian:~# cat /lib/systemd/system/resilio-sync.service [Unit] Description=Resilio Sync service Documentation=https://help.getsync.com/ After=network.target network-online.target [Service] Type=forking User=rslsync Group=rslsync UMask=0002 Restart=on-failure PermissionsStartOnly=true #PIDFile=/var/run/resilio-sync/sync.pid ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/resilio-sync ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R rslsync:rslsync /var/run/resilio-sync ExecStart=/usr/bin/rslsync --config /etc/resilio-sync/config.json [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
  2. Hello! I am using Resilio Pro in a Docker container (the official container). I have a server that should not add new folders automatically, thus I choose the "disconnect" setting in the "My devices" section of the Web UI. However, after each restart of Resilio, this resets to "Sync all". Why is it so? Can I set it to "disconnect" in the config file? Thank you in advance, Adrian
  3. Hello all! I am using the current version of Resilio (Sync Pro 2.4.4) within the official docker container that runs on Freenas Corral. I have not touched the configuration file (sync.conf) but just mounted local storage to within /sync/mounted_folders. Syncing works great. Anyway, I am getting constant disk access to the storage pool that Resilio works on. This happens, even if no other peers are connected and no indexing is happening. The Docker image itself resides on an SSD, so that logs should also go only there. Every few seconds, I can hear the storage HDDs perform an access. This is also shown by iotop. I already increased the indexing interval to one whole day (86400), but no change. Debug logs are off. I would be happy to hear, if there was a way to solve this problem. Unfortunately, I cannot find log files when I switch on debugging. Where are they located? Thank you in advance, Adrian