BTSync no start syncing


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BTSYNC not begin synchronization. More precisely starts but only in one direction - from me to a friend of mine with whom we tried to synchronize folders. Files added to them in a folder to sync, I have not downloaded and the files added by me perfectly downloaded to his computer.

How to fix it?


me: win7x32max

my friend: win7x64max

Both have the latest version 1.0.116

log file (3.0MB)

test file not downloading on my computer:


P.S. please write answers on the most simple English because I'm Russian and I use google.translate

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Ok... two possibilities immediately come to mind if you're only experiencing a "one-way" sync:

Firstly, are you sure you gave your friend the "full access" secret, and not just the "read only" secret?

If your friend does have the "full access" secret, it may be that there is a firewall wall issue at his end that's blocking his Sync's ability to "send" data.

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During the first attempt to synchronize the key here, and he gave a doubt there may still occur, but the second time I'll give him the key to synchronize

If you do not pass the firewall why then compound Unilateral? It seems to me that if the firewall drops connections, then there would be no reading or writing


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've the same error message status: 137 error: <NULL> meta: 1

Interestingly it's ALWAYS the same file its complaining about...

I have the same problem. However, with me, everything was syncing fine (out of 55GB it sync'd 54GB), but then when I added a file on one side, it got stuck on one file, for me it's

Torrent hello.go (2).launch status: 137 error: <NULL> meta: 1

but I have no idea why it's stuck on that one file. I sent debug logs from both my computers to

I'll let y'all know if they give me any insight :-)

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  • 3 months later...

I experienced the same problem, and I discovered what caused it.


I wanted to sync some folders from my Linux machine at work to my Windows pc at home. Some folders synced OK, but a few others synced in one direction only.


The folders on which the problem occurred, turned out to contain some files with French file names, containing accented characters like à, é and è.


Renaming the files didn't solve the problem right away. I had to remove the folders from BTSync on both sides and re-add them. After that, everything worked fine again.


The lesson to be learned here is that it's good practice never to use any special characters in file or folder names. From now on, I'll stick to the 26 letters of the alphabet, digits, hyphens, periods and underscores. I already did that for files and folders I created myself, but the French files causing the problem were sent to me by a customer, and I just saved them on my file system. From now on, I'll first rename such files before placing them in a sync folder.


That being said, it would be nice, of course, if BTSync didn't stop syncing when it encountered a file name containing a problematic character.


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