Frequently changed file is problematic

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I have a file "some.file" inside a synchronized directory that is updated in bursts (roughly once each second for seval seconds in a 5 minute period). In my log file I now find entries like these:

[20130330 23:05:31] Failed read from file error = 9

[20130330 23:05:31] File changed during hashing

These reappear every 10 minutes (stopped after restarting btsync).

I assume that this problem is related to the single file described above (is there a way to get more debug output?). Worse, on another machine I get the messages "IO Error:2 line:390 align=-99 pos:-99 count:16384 actual:15360" and "ReadFile error: some.file:98304:16384:16384:3" every 10 minutes.

Even worse I also get "Banned $ip:$port until forever" for the host uploading the file described above after four messages "*** some.file: PIECE 4 FAILED HASH CHECK".



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Yes, the cause of this is almost certainly the frequency at which your file is changing (i.e. it's changing faster than BitTorrent Sync can re-hash it).

Once the "burst" of frequent changes subsides, BitTorrent Sync should then be able to re-hash it, but from what you describe, due to a high rate of failed hash attempts whilst the file has been changing, BitTorrent Sync (or rather the relay/tracker server) is "banning" your IP for what it see as "abuse"

I know there have been plenty of requests in the wishlist thread for some form of "scheduled sync" to allow you to specify when/how often files should sync, which should be a suitable solution in your case if/when this is implemented

In the meantime, if you're only syncing files across local computers on your LAN, you could consider disable the relay/tracker options - this would at least prevent your IP from being "banned" from the BitTorrent Sync servers!

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, the cause of this is almost certainly the frequency at which your file is changing (i.e. it's changing faster than BitTorrent Sync can re-hash it).

Same problem here, with a file... that hasn't change for many day.

BTW the file is 700 Mb large.

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