Accessing WebUI through Apache reverse proxy

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Has anyone managed to setup Apache so that you can access the web UI through a reverse proxy? Everything I've tried just redirects me to /gui and I can't get it to work.

This would be very useful to have because I would like to access the web UI through SSL via my own webserver. Thanks for any help.

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Well, tried a little harder and it sorta works. This was the magic incantation that worked for me:

RewriteRule ^/btsync$ /gui/ [R]
RewriteRule ^/btsync/ /gui/ [R]
RewriteRule ^/gui$ /gui/ [R]
ProxyPass /gui/ http://localhost:8888/gui/
<Location /gui/>
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8888/gui/
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All

It redirects /btsync to /gui but at least it works. Hope that helps someone out there.

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The webUI supports SSL. Am I the only one who tried it without hacking around first? :)

Although to change the certificate to your own you have to edit the settings.dat file manually,

and it doesn't log failed login attempts so it can't be hooked up with fail2ban.

And you don't consider that a hack ?

Might just be me, but I've nothing but failed to create a new settings.dat that actually works.

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I used Notepad++.

* Insert the certificate text after selfcertLEN: - after removing the original of course.

* Apply unix EOL conversion.

* Then select the inserted text (including the last new line) and write the length after 'selfcert' and before the ':'.

(The status bar will show how many characters you selected.)

Like this - first the public, then the private key:

selfcert1880:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

As for the RSA part: It didn't work for me if I only wrote BEGIN and END PRIVATE KEY as it is in the original file.

Edit: You did try to access it via https://host:8888/ right?

If you want to ommit the port you'd need to change the webUI's listening port to 443,

assuming it wouldn't collide with your webserver.

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There are many other reasons to want to access the Web UI through a reverse proxy other than just enabling SSL. You could enable many other types of authentication, for example.

Editing a binary file to embed a cert is... not a great configuration methodology.

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Indeed. Thanks for bringing it up.

I just switched to it so I can use my global base auth configuration with fail2ban.

If anyone is interested in this, here's how:

* Configure base auth like you'd normally do in a location or directory block.

* Send btsync a static auth header: STRING=BASE64(user:pass)

AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /etc/apache2/htgroup
AuthName "asdfs"
AuthType Basic
Require group admin
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic STRING"

This also sort of eliminates the problem of btsync stroring passwords in clear text. Listening on localhost only..

You can set it to any dumb thing and just authenticate over the proxy.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think I've come up with the best solution for this. The WebUI automatically configures itself for the url you are using provided it is still at someurl/gui/

So here is my solution:

ProxyPass /btsync/gui/
ProxyPassReverse /btsync/gui/
Redirect permanent /btsync /btsync/gui/

And for those interested here is the code in the WebUI where I discovered this:

var urlBase = window.location.pathname.split("/gui", 1)[0].replace(/\/+$/, "");
var guiBase = urlBase + "/gui/";
var proxyBase = urlBase + "/proxy";

Tested with v1.1.48

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But that only forwards /gui/ to BTSync's webserver. There probably will be other pages like /proxy, /api, etc.

The problem when you try to pass-through everything is that Apache loads the proxy directive before the redirect directive.

I tried ProxyPassMatch, RewriteRule [P], and who knows what else. The final solution was this:

<Location /btsync>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/btsync(/|/gui)?$
RewriteRule ^ /btsync/gui/ [L,R=301]
# Auth, etc, ....

This way /btsync, /btsync/, /btsync/gui, /btsync/gui/ all work while forwarding everything.

Can you make it nicer? :)

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  • 2 months later...

Months go by and still no luck. Still stuck with this dumb "/gui/" (talk of a non-informative url...)


At least, please consider providing a configuration option for that base directory (e.g. in the .conf file, under the webui section), something along these lines:

"webui" :        {                "listen" : "",                "login" : "username",                "password" : "userpassword",                "basedir" : "btsyncGUI"        }

so that the webui becomes accessible (and reverse-proxyable) at ""


Shouldn't be rocket science...

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Months go by and still no luck. Still stuck with this dumb "/gui/" (talk of a non-informative url...)


At least, please consider providing a configuration option for that base directory (e.g. in the .conf file, under the webui section), something along these lines:

"webui" :        {                "listen" : "",                "login" : "username",                "password" : "userpassword",                "basedir" : "btsyncGUI"        }

so that the webui becomes accessible (and reverse-proxyable) at ""


Shouldn't be rocket science...


I posted instructions for making this work using nginx here:


It's been working great for me.

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