Indexing won't add / find all files in folder?


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Hi there,

i am testing btsync atm and i am a bit confused about the indexing. I tried a big folder with many small files. My filebrowser (Ubuntu 13.04) tells me, that there are 41.302 Objects in 11,7 GB inside my folder. btsync indexing tells me after finish 28928 Files in 10.8 GB. So, where are the other more or less 10.000 files? Could there be a problem with access rights or does btsync have an maximum of files or filesizes (minimum)?



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Could there be a problem with access rights or does btsync have an maximum of files or filesizes (minimum)?

Firstly, no there are no maximum number of files/filesize limits.

It's likely that either:

1) Sync cannot read/access all of the files in the folder - either due to their permissions, or the fact that they are currently open/in use/locked by another process

2) The files in question are being excluded from sync by the ignore rules in the .SyncIgnore file

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It's likely that either:

1) Sync cannot read/access all of the files in the folder - either due to their permissions, or the fact that they are currently open/in use/locked by another process

2) The files in question are being excluded from sync by the ignore rules in the .SyncIgnore file

As I posted here;


sync sometimes just fails to complete for some still unaccountable reason. All my devices have the same .SyncIgnore, so I can rule that out, and the permissions issue doesn't seem likely because other devices are able to complete sync. The trouble with debugging this problem is that finding the non-syncing files is like looking for a needle in a haystack. By luck, I found one folder that woudln't sync for no apparent reason, so I re-copied its content between two of my other devices. That enabled the incompletely syncing device to suddenly sync much more of that stuff. But there it remains with some mysterious 17.1MB that it just never finishes, despite different device reboots, etc. over the last few days. I have no idea which files they are, so that sucks. The recalcitrant files that I did discover individually synced manually no problem, so in fact it appears to complete indexing, though I'm unable to verify that. But it's a mystery as to why there's this failure to complete automatic sync.

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So i created a test case with a folder with different file types.

(all 41 files are real files, 2 files are linux-textfile-temp-files with ~ at the end, one file does not have any file-extension. maybe that is the problem?)

The web-interface says 38 files but btsync syncs all 41 files in folder... so i don't know where the problem is but everything is synced.... maybe a bug in the web-interface?

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I am currently attempting to sync a large folder across our home network and have experienced the same phenomenon. Both machines are Windows 7.

I did have a problem with several files that had a bad timestamp. They would repetedly be reported in History as skipped. I removed them, renamed them and re-added them with success. Yet, I am still hundreds of files short on the total indexed "size" shown in the Folders tab.

After opting to show hidden and system files, I did a check for thumbs.db and desktop.ini files in the folder (I don't have any of the other file types listed in default .syncignore) and together they came very close to the difference, except there were 12 more in the folders than missing from BTS index size (!?) I have no idea.

[*EDIT: Now, I am more confused. Thinking this was the right track, I did the same check with the other large folder that shows 15.9 MB to upload. There is a 44 file difference between folder properties and BTS index. I ran a search and there were 72 hidden system files (thumbs.db). I now do not think that I was on the right track and the fact that the number of unaccounted files was near equal to excluded hidden files was a fluke.

To give an idea of what I'm dealing with, there are 410,090 of 411,779 files indexed. A difference of 1,689. 917 thumbs.db and 784 desktop.ini for a total of 1,701 ignored system files. That's 12 more than I needed to explain away the problem, but now I think it is not source of the unaccounted files.]

The second machine is currently indexing its copy of the folder. I will check back when it completes (likely tomorrow) to report. I wonder if it will report the same number when indexed...

I have synced another large folder and everything seems to be synced, yet the Device tab shows 15.9 MB to upload... forever. Nothing is being done about it. No way to push or reset the sync. But everything appears to be synced, I guess... its very labor intensive to check.

Either way, there is something disconcerting about having a perpetual handful of MBs listed as needing to upload whether it is true or not. If files were failing to tranfer, I would find it difficult to pin down which files. I hope future versions might be able to highlight in some way files BTS read but failed to index/sync for whatever reason.

Or perhaps a sort of refresh button to try again....

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Although no one seems particularly interested, I'll post the results.

Drive B is a READ-ONLY sync of Drive A that was copied locally, then moved to my second computer.

Drive A vs Drive B


size: 2,879,531,634,457 bytes vs 2,879,675,440,901 bytes

difference = 143,806,444 bytes (137.145 MB) more on B

contains: 412,081 files 36,738 folders vs 412,108 files 39,613 folders

diff = 27 files 2,875(!) folders more on B

That is the really puzzling piece to me: Nearly 3,000 more folders being reported on B. I am not sure that this is in any part the work of BTS since I did not make sure the drives had copied 100% correctly before indexing/syncing. I should have, I know and may redo the job if I can't account for the missing files and folders.

As with my other large share mentioned above, BTS reports that 122.6 MB await upload from Drive A. Drive B BTS reports to be synced.

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