BitTorrent sync 100% cpu issue on linux


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Hi all


i LOVE bitTorrent sync but cant use it due to this annoying issue. when i BTsync it immediately causes my CPU usage to go to 100% and just stays there. im using arch linux but im a pretty novice user so i would appreciate any suggestion and help on how to 'debug' this and help the devs figure out whats going on.

Btw this happens both from the arch AUR package or even when i download the daemon from the zip file and run it manually


thx alot in advance



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Hi guys and thank you for the answers


the version im using is the latest (1.1.70-1)


the cpu level starts at 100% and stays like that indefinatly. its not a matter of spike etc, its just constant at 100%.


ill be glad to help in anyway to try to solve this as i desperatly want to go back to using it, let me know which other info is needed





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  • 1 month later...



Was this ever resolved? I have the same issue - 100% CPU usage on linux (debian wheezy), btsync 1.1.82

I tried to turn on debug logging but all I see there (after some initialization) is this:


[20131024 10:41:53.103] Sending broadcast ping for share 2B...
[20131024 10:41:54.104] Sending broadcast ping for share 2B...
[20131024 10:41:55.105] Sending broadcast ping for share 2B...
[20131024 10:41:56.106] Sending broadcast ping for share 2B...




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And synchronization doesn't work either. When I run tcpdump I see UDP packets coming in every second (from the other side of the sync) but nothing goes out although linux machine is bound to this port:


$ netstat -an | grep 11777

tcp   0*    LISTEN

udp  0*

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