Sync status stuck on pending upload always


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Recently I started seeing folders stuck with a pending upload in their sync status (see attachment). The receiving computer is on and btsync is running, and if I add new files to these directories those new files will be sent, but the upload status always eventually returns to this (136B for one, 2.3MB for another, etc.) and never budges from there. As far as I can tell, everything is indeed fully synced, the alleged pending bytes are wrong.


Any idea why this might be? Looking through my sync.log I see nothing unusual, all have `State sync finished', for example. I'm happy to post the rest if it's of use. Anyone else seen this?


The sending computer is Linux (Kubuntu) and the receiving computer is a Mac, if that information is of interest, and both are using the latest versions of the software.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having the exact same problem on windows. sync appears to have completed, but the task tray icon keeps spinning as if still syncing and the folder shows some bytes remaining but the number is not moving. I have also noticed some files with the !sync extension. they say this means a sync failed or something, but the files are all synced.

I can't seem to get to the bottom of this one. let me know if you figure it out.

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It's important to remember that Sync can't transfer files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications. When Sync encounters such files it will wait until they are released by whichever application is currently using them, and then transfer them. During this "waiting", Sync will indicate that there is an amount of data waiting to be transferred.

I have also noticed some files with the !sync extension. they say this means a sync failed or something, but the files are all synced.

If your files are not open/locked/in use by other applications, It's safe to delete .!Sync files. Doing so should then prompt Sync to re-transfer any failed transfers, causing the "bytes remaining" count in Sync to return to zero.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got it working again. I searched for a file of that size, that was modified in the last 7 days, and I found one.

jochen@MacBook:/Daten/BTsync$ find . -type f -size -500c -mtime -7./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf./.SyncIDjochen@MacBook:/Daten/BTsync$ ls -l ./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf-rw-rw-r-- 1 jochen jochen 350 Okt 29 06:35 ./Adressen/Radlmeier_Hausverwaltung.vcf


I removed that file and the sync of this folder completed.


There is nothing special with that file. A normal text file, no special characters in it's name.

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