Uploading to multiple devices from slow connection - sending chunks multiple times?


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Is it my imagination, or is BitTorrent Sync sending the same file-chunks multiple times to different computers in a cluster?


I've started trying to use BitTorrent Sync as an alternative to for a number of big-ish (10GB) folders.  I'm synching between 3x Linux computers.  Two of the computers have fast internet connections, but the computer from-which I'm uploading the big content has a SLOW internet connection.


I've been monitoring the upload rate on the slow-computer and it's sitting pretty-consistently at around 15kB/sec.  I've also been monitoring rates on the other two computers and they are both sitting around 7kB/sec download - with the upload-rate on both of these computers almost-always sitting on 0kB/sec.


The content seems to be taking twice-as-long to upload than what I expected.  It seems as if the computer with the slow connection is having-to-do all the hard work of uploading the content twice - once to each of the other servers - rather-than them doing any file-sharing between themselves over their fast connections.


From what I had heard of BitTorrent technology I thought that the slow computer would have sent different chunks of each file to each of the two other computers, and that they would have shared the chunks between themselves over their fast connections - rather than requiring the slow computer to send each chunk to both of them.


Can anyone please enlighten me on this matter?  If a computer behind a slow-internet-connection has to always send it's uploads to multiple computers than this is probably a show-stopper for what I'm trying to achieve.


Regards, Michael

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I get it all the time. In the end I remote into all the devices (laptops), kill bts, copy the file(s) out to a local folder, delete the same file / part sync on the rest of the others sync machines, restart bts, let them all figure out its missing then add the file back.

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I've read similar stories in the forum. I would suggest that you "help" it a bit: Stop btsync in one of the computers with fast connection. Synchronise from your slow computer to it. Once some files are completed uploading, stop btsync in your computer and start it in the one where you stopped it before. This way, there is only 2 computers with btsync running at the same time and they will be forced to sync with each other. I know it's not the way it should be...but it should get you going at least to make the initial sync.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same issue here with 4 computers, i've been watching one of the remote computers and it only receives data, and doesn't upload anything.

Further testing, i realized that if i restart BTSync on one of the remote machines, it starts to upload to the others, so the original computer is not seeding the same packets to all computers, as i suggested.

But until i restart one of them, the original seeder continues to upload the complete file to all computers.

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Further testing, i realized that if i restart BTSync on one of the remote machines, it starts to upload to the others, so the original computer is not seeding the same packets to all computers, as i suggested.

But until i restart one of them, the original seeder continues to upload the complete file to all computers.


I have been experiencing the same for a while now.   (Version 1.1.82 )


Systems : A (windows) , B (linux x64) , and C (windows)  are synced.  


1. C begins sending a large file over a slow connection to A and B.


2. A and B each receive many different parts of the file from C.


3. The UI of A and B both note that they are hundreds of megabytes out of sync.


4. Transfer between  A and B is never initiated until BTSync is restarted on system A or B.


5. Transfer between A and B outpaces the transfer of the original file from C.


6. A and B become synced with the available parts.


7. Go to to 1.

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