Sync stopped: device time difference more than 600 seconds


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I have an issue with a device syncing to existing 3 devices.

All of them were working, until I decided to take my win 7 gaming PC and update it to Win 8.1. 

Now I get "Sync stopped: device time difference more than 600 seconds", this used to be a mix of 2 x Win7 machines, WIn 8, and Unraid (Slackware 14 Linux), now I have replaced one of the Win 7 machines with Win 8.1 and the new 8.1 machine receives this error from all of them. Meanwhile the other 3 machines sync fine. I have checked the BIOS time and the Windows time they are both correct. The Unraid box is always up and running, I treat this as my master.

I will try uninstalling BTsync and reinstalling. 


Even after re-install the new installation will not sync with the other devices. I checked the time and all the devices are within 10 minutes of each other. Also the main server client (unraid) and the machine that will not sync have their clients up to date.

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I know you've said you've checked, but one or more of your devices system time will be incorrect.


As a very last resort you could try increasing the advanced "sync_max_time_diff" setting, but as I say, you really need to check and sync the system clock on all your devices to correctly resolve this issue.

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I haven't solved the problem, but here is what I've deduced thus far. 

Since all other three machines play nicely together except the new one, it has to be the new machine. 

I've checked all the system BIOS times and they are with in a couple minutes of each other, same with the new Windows 8.1 OS.

Since I've used this machine before with Win 7 and BtSync successfully, it has to be the new OS that's causing the problem.


Which leads me to believe that it is either the Time Zone setting on the new OS or BtSync is not fully compatible with Windows 8.1 yet.

I'm going to check the time zone tonight when I get home. 


Can you tell me where BtSync stores all the user information and such on a Windows based OS, Win 7 and up?

Reason I ask is because when I removed BtSync last night to reinstall it, it automatically was attempting to connect to the other machines without mi inputting the share secret. Leads me to believe there is some residual footprint that the application leaves afte install.



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  • 1 year later...

Is the time stamp of a file affected by Time Zone on file systems?


Surely BTSync should be time zone independent and sync when the file is created in real time, not based on time zone/file time-stamp...


ie Create a file in USA PC (timezone PST), sync'ed within 1-2 mins on a PC found in UK (timezone GMT).

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