Sync archive not working


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  • 11 months later...

Sorry for bringing this up, but the same situation here almost a year later. BitTorrent Sync 1.4.83 Beta - both Windows Desktop (8.1) and Ubuntu Server.


Both locations and settings define "Store deleted files in folder archive", but after tests and experiments, .sync/Archive folder is still empty in both locations.


How would it be possible to troubleshoot this?

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Update on my tests:

Initially, I noticed, that actually folders are not being synched, despite fact, that BTsync indicates, that folder is in sync. According to logs, needed to implement firewall settings on server side, and created new test folder.


- now, when sync is working, it still partially work for .sync\Archive folder:


1. when I delete or change file on Workstation, it gets uploaded to server, inlcuding changes.

2. when I visit server's .sync\Archive - versions of a files are there. Visiting .sync\Archive folder on Desktop - it's empty


Folder security key was created on Workstation, and pasted to Server, if that explains something.


Why Arcive folder is populated on Server, but not on workstation, where files are actually changed, and the key was generated?

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Why Arcive folder is populated on Server, but not on workstation, where files are actually changed, and the key was generated?

Sync's Archive affects devices other than the one where files are deleted/changed.

For example, if you have a folder in Sync across 3 devices; A, B, and C, and you delete a file from the folder on device A, the corresponding file on B and C will be moved to .Sync/Archive on B and C respectively. The .Sync/Archive on A will remain empty.

Similarly, if you delete a file from the folder on device B, on devices A and C it will be moved to .Sync/Archive on A and C.

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