Bittorrent Sync on Synology NAS: Indexing too many files


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I already contacted the support team with a ticket on a previous version of btsync with this problem but I never got an answer, that's why I'm trying the forums.

My problem is that btsync is indexing 660'000 files in a folder that contains 150'000 files. It eats a lot of ram, and it's stuck on "indexing" in the GUI.

I'm using the synocommunity package on a DS1812+ running the latest version of DSM. BT Sync version is 1.2.72.

EDIT: I've fixed part of my problem by adding a "/" to the end of the path while configuring a folder (something like: home/folder1/ instead of home/folder).

BT Sync is now showing the right number of files but the synced folder is not showing the right size, I'm guessing it's just a glitch ?


EDIT2: After a reboot my problem came back: indexing 600'000 + files (and stuck on indexing) instead of the 150'000 + in the folder


any ideas ?

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Quick update on my issue: I discovered that the synology indexing service creates a lot of @eadir folders, so I added @eadir in the syncignore text file and now btsync is indexing the "correct" number of files !


One issue persists: btsync is stuck on "indexing" for that folder. Since I'm still not able to update to the latest version (have to wait on synocommunity to update it), I'll do another reply to see if the indexing issue is still there after updating.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm trying to solve this @eaDir issue... it's got zillions of these things synced over. I added all of the following to my .SyncIgnore file on my DiskStation for this Folder and... nothing changed. 


I even added an iPhone to it (that previously was not there) and I still see the @eaDir directories showing up. What am I missing?
Edit: I figured out what I was missing: the instructions, specifically, "Note that .SyncIgnore is applied only to the folder where it is contained and will not work with the files that have already been synced."


Which means the process to fix this is:


1) Delete all @eaDir directories from the Synology *first*

2) Wait for those changes to index (by BitTorrent Sync) and propagate (by BTSync again) 

3) THEN add '@eaDir' to your .SyncIgnore file.


If you do step 3 first (as I did originally) it will, as requested, IGNORE anything to do with that file/folder. Going forward, of course, it makes sense to put @eaDir in ALL of my .SyncIgnore files on my Synology at the start so this doesn't happen again (and it would be nice if BTSync would do that for us, but... hey... baby steps!)

Edited by DaveTheNerd
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