only an instant sync?


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Hi everyone,
I'm a new bitsync user.
I've created a "sync" folder both on my pc desktop and my netbook.
I put some small files in the  sync folder on my pc. The netbook was already connected to internet, and the files were instantly delivered to it. They were also synchronized when I modified some of them. Well, good job!

I haven't yet understood whether or not both of my devices need to be connected at the same time to have the files synchronized. Sometimes, I have my netbook at work and it would be great if I could synchronize my files as soon as I start the netbook and launch Bitsync?

Is it possible some way?

Thank you, John.

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Due to the nature of BitTorrent sync, there is no central server. Let's consider the 'Synchronization' system in two different methods, the "Dropbox" method, and, the "BitTorrent Sync" method. I would first of all like to state that the "Dropbox" and "BitTorrent sync" methods are not unique to their respected application (Dropbox & BitTorrent Sync), however, it's easier to explain it like that.


So, first of all, the 'Dropbox' method. This method allows you to seemingly be able to 'upload' one device's data when all other devices are offline, then, 'download' another device's data when all other devices are offline. Unfortunately, this is false. There is in this case one server that's always online, and, it's the Dropbox servers. This, for the end user, isn't something they have to worry about and can think "Oh, I can sync any device any time with any other devices on/off". So, following this logic, the path of action would be something like this for dropbox:-


1. Connect to dropbox server

2. Check for any new file updates that are on the dropbox servers

3. Download any new file updates

4. Check for any local file updates that are on our computer

5. Upload any new file updates

6. Idle until either local files are updated, or, remote files are updated.


And, this is great, it means you (the end user), can have two devices that are never on at the same time still be synchronized.


Now, the BTSync system is a bit different. It takes the approach of "You keep your data, we just provide the software.", and, BTSync never sends your data anywhere other than YOUR (Is bold, caps, underline & italics enough to get that across?) computers. This means that there is no 'company hosted' (/not end user hosted) location that's up 24/7 to act as a temporary (Or permanent) file host. If one of your computers is on, but, all others are off, there's nowhere to store said data, now, if another computer comes on, it can easily synchronize data between those two (or more) computers. The only requirement to synchronize with BTSync is having one (or more) computer(s) online with the update, and, one (or more) computer(s) without the update. So, following the above format of showing it in a 'path of action':-


1. Connect to BTSync tracker

2. Search for other BTSync devices with the same secret (However, now it's more complex with Read only/Read & Write/Encryption)

3. Contact said device

4. Index all files you have, compare to all files the new node you've found has

5. Download any new file updates that are on that node

6. Upload any new file updates that are on our computer

7. Idle until either local files are updated, or, remote node(s) report file updates.


Now, obviously, there are ways of getting around this 'limitation' with BTSync, however, they all require one thing, having a computer online 24/7 with all files stored on it, and, having it updated to the newest version.


The easiest way to do that is to simply lease a server with lots of HDD space (Like OVH's servers, super cheap ($9/month) with lots of space (500GB+)) and throw BTSync on there. That server will be online 24/7, and, basically act as a 'storage depot' for all your files.


Have fun, feel free to ask any questions.


P.S. Excuse my poor English.

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