Folder Write Deny Delete Option


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even if the pictures are deleted it will not sync deletes. Hope this makes sense!



Yes, I'd like to see an option not to sync deleted files also.


(In my case, I'd created a sync folder to transfer some mp3s from computer to Nexus 7. I only wanted a handful of mp3s transferring, so I copied & pasted some them to the created folder on my computer. They copied to Nexus 7. Great! So I removed the files from computer folder, and lo and behold, they went from the Nexus 7. Not so great!



So currently after transfer to Nexus 7 has completed, I then have to move them on Nexus 7 from the sync folder to the music folder, then I can delete the pasted mp3s from sync folder on computer. It's a hassle, but at least they stay on Nexus 7).


Edit: after some reading, it may be related to Read-only option. I'll check it out...

Read-only didn't work either.

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The current implementation of the Photo Backup function on the iOS BTsync client does exactly what the OP's scenario describes:

1. Enable Photo Backup on phone

2. Copy/send email with secret to desktop/server BTsync and this synchronises all photos.

3. Delete photos on the iOS device

4. Does not synchronise to the desktop/server version.

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