Windows Explorer Error Message When Re-Starting System In 8.1


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This issue is more of an annoyance at this point than anything else. Unless I quit bittorrent sync from the taskbar in Windows 8.1, I get an explorer.exe error message when restarting the computer. It took me forever to figure out that bit sync is the cause of the error, but I have tested it over and over again to make sure I don't look like an idiot. If I manually shut down bittorrent sync and then do a restart, the error message never pops up. Any ideas here? I would have listed something more specific about the error message but it's only there for a second or two.  It's something like this though: explorer.exe - Application Error ....The instruction at 0x74fd40b9 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.

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It's not actually a sync issue. It's an explorer issue where explorer is trying to get a thumbnail on an incomplete file.


Hmmm... Explorer doesn't usually generate thumbnails for unknown file types though!?


For example, an "incomplete" image file being transferred by Sync would have a .!Sync, .SyncPart, .SyncTemp, or .SyncOld extension - i.e. "myimage.jpg.!Sync"


The filetype in the above example is ".!Sync", it will only become a ".jpg" file once it has been fully received and the ".!Sync" extension removed. what is Explorer doing trying to generate thumbnails for .!Sync, .SyncPart, .SyncTemp, or .SyncOld files? (I'm assuming of course that Explorer determines which files to generate thumbnails for based on their extension, not meta content?)

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hello! I'm totally out of context here, and not even close to being on topic, (please excuse :) ) This probably wouldn't happen if there were a "new topic" or "ask something", or "just say something already button" somewhere on the forum. Can anyone point me to it? Thankx in advance. The only reason I'm here at all is that I've never been able to get this "sync" to actually "synk". It ask for a secret on my laptop, but the droid app sends a link instead to download the app for windows. I already have that, and it's no secret :)

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