Separate Secret Key For Subdirectory Of A Sync Folder


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Is it possible to have a sync folder with a secret key, and then another subdirectory within that folder with its own separate secret key (to share the subdirectory with one set of devices, while the overall folder is shared with other devices)?


My guess is that it is possible, but you need to be careful to put the correct things in the syncignore file for the outer directory.  Can anyone provide directions on how to do this properly?





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I found some other places in the forum where people said they tried it, and got an error message saying that you can't sync a subfolder of one that's already being synced.


But when I try it, it *appears* to work -- no errors reported.


Does the lack of error message mean that the feature has been added to bittorrent sync, or does it mean that if I try it, I'm going to get really strange behavior quirks?

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  • 8 months later...

I've tried searching for this feature - have there been any updates about this since the original post?


Specifically, I would like to share a subfolder with someone but not the top directory which is currently being synced.


Search for the term "nested", and you'll come across this post from last week:


"Nested folders (share in a share) are allowed only when both have RW access"

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