Ipad3 Ios 7 Local Files Not Accessible


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I am using an iPad 3 with iOS 7 and BitTorrent Sync 1.2.42.

I've synced about 3 GB worth of data.  Mostly Folders with PDF's and Spreadsheets.

My dilemma is that I cannot open any of the files listed locally on my iPad.


I tap the "+" button to the right of my folder title, tap the "On My iPad" icon, tap what should be the local version of my folder structure, there are a couple of sub folders to go through before I can get to an actual file, but I get to a file and can see the file, it doesn't have the green check box like the synced folder does and cannot be accessed, tapping on the file does nothing. There is a white check box icon to the right of the folder title...when I tap this it allows me to select the files individually, but it isn't clear as to what this action's function is.  All I am trying to do is access my local files from my iPad3, surely it cannot be this difficult.

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this is exactly what I have experienced. I have the same model iPad and latest iOS 7 update.


Try again with your iPad online and the machine you're syncing with online also. It seems to be a bug where once BT Sync goes offline you can't access your local copies (on the iPad) of the files.


Check this forum. Others have commented on this bug.



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