Bug: Btsync Bug Wiht Growl!


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Hi Developers, 


I found a bug in the mac client of btsync!

Using the current software version of Growl (V.2.1.3) I'm getting errors in btsync and it randomly just crashes after about a minute of usage.


The Terminal output shows the following errors: 

2014-01-31 18:23:28.764 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] Failed to notify due to missing registration, queue and reregister

2014-01-31 18:23:28.765 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] Attempting to register while an attempt is already running

2014-01-31 18:23:28.808 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] Failed to notify due to missing registration, queue and reregister

2014-01-31 18:23:28.809 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] Attempting to register while an attempt is already running

2014-01-31 18:23:30.068 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] GrowlApplicationBridge: exception while sending notification: connection went invalid while waiting for a reply because a mach port died

2014-01-31 18:23:30.153 BitTorrent Sync[404:507] We failed at registering with items in our queue waiting to go to growl, sending them to OS X notification center instead



I could turn of this problem by unchecking the "Send notification after download finished" option in the btsync settings. But I guess this thing should be fixed anyway... :)



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