Android App - Sync Not Working Unless App Is Open


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I have the camera folder in my Nexus 5 synced to a folder in my MacBook Pro. I noticed that new pictures taken or deleted won't sync to my notebook until I actually bring the BitTorrent Sync app to the foreground in my phone.


I tried with and without Use Notification enabled, and with Auto Sleep in on and off.


Is this a known issue? Or the way it's supposed to work?



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Could you please perform a following test:


1. Turn auto-sleep off.

2. Turn on debug logs on your another peer (PC).

3. Make sure that sync is syncing something to Android.

4. Minimize application on Android, mark down the time.

5. Wait until sync stops (I guess around 2-3 minutes), mark down the time.

6. Collect debug logs on PC, open Android BTSync, tap "Send feedback", agree to include logs.

7. Provide your log from PC, ticket ID you've got when submitting the feedback, time values marked down during the test.



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Thanks RomanZ! My ticket number is: 8484. The description I attached was:


Reporting a bug.


I have the camera folder in my Nexus 5 synchronized to my MacBook Pro.


1) Have 1 new pic pending to sync, which won't until I bring the app to the foreground to my Android.
2) 22:22:30 -> Bring BT Sync to foreground in my phone (pic syncs)
3) 22:23:05 -> Go back to Home Screen in my phone
4) 22:23:43 -> Take a picture in the phone
5) 22:25:00 -> Bring BT Sync to foreground again (pic syncs)


This is on 2014-03-10.


Logs are also here.

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Could you please try the same test, but wait around 10-15 minutes without switching back to BTSync on Android and see if pic got to your MacBook?


There is no notifications on file changes on Android, so sync will be done only after full folder rescan, which happens once in 10 minutes.

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