Bts Losing Speed

Kay Dee

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Started testing yesterday using BTS version 1.2.91 between 2 servers 100 miles apart

Established direct connection between 2 static IP addresses/ports

Enabled NAT UPnP


For the first 24 hours, I was seeing transfer speeds of 55 - 70 MB/s - Perfect!

Multiple successful 1-way synchs of 40GB -  150 GB folders (stored VMs) from Server 1 to Server 2

For the past 5 hours - transfer speeds have dropped down to less than 1MB/s-2 MB/s max


ISP confirms that  they do NOT throttle down BitTorrent ...(I tested BTS in Aug 2013, and found the same situation - good speed between same 2 peers for 24 hours or so, then dropped down to less than 1MB/s - talked to ISP then. Decided to wait for new version and uninstalled BTS)


Server 1:


192G RAM

11 TB free space

CPU - 1%

Memory - 32%


Server 2:



3 TB free space

CPU - 21%

Memory - 14%


Any suggestions of what I can look at doing to get the speeds back up to what they were yesterday? BTS would be the perfect solution for quickly seeding a new full backup copy to the 2nd server...the incremental off-site backups are fine for regular network transfer.


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ISP confirms that  they do NOT throttle down BitTorrent

Is that the specific wording they've used?


Even if they're not limiting - in their words - "BitTorrent" traffic, do they employ ANY form of traffic management/throttling/shaping on their network? i.e. at peak times and/or if you exceed a certain amount of downloaded/uploaded data in any given period of time - irrespective of what "type" of traffic/data it is!


Even if they don't employ ANY form of traffic management/throttling/shaping on their network, it may be that your ISP's network does not have the available capacity/bandwidth at peak times to provide maximum up/down speed to all subscribers in your area.


Either way, if you've not "rate limited" your up/down speeds in Sync itself, then Sync will always strive to transfer data at the maximum possible speeds it can - but these speeds are generally determined by external factors outside of Sync's control.

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Did you checked how much memory BTS is using while the transfers are slow versus the memory consumption when the transfer is acceptable?


I didn't try with W2012R2 but I got a lot of trouble with W2008R2 and it feel's like you are experiencing the same behavior.


On my case, the more BTS eats memory the less transfer speed I get.

See my observation regarding this issue:


The only workaround I have right now is to restart BTS via schedule task at each 12 hours so it reset the memory consumption and keep the transfer speed acceptable.

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