Sync Folders Not Matching


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First time post here. 

I am trying to kick DropBox to the curb and decided to try Sync. So far no joy. 


I have a folder on my MacBook Pro that I synced to my G5. When I "info" the folder on the laptop, it is 14 Gigs bigger than the folder on the G5. BUT, as I "info" the individual folders inside of the Sync folder - they all match closely enough (some are off by a small fraction).


Does Sync compress files? Could this be ghost files on the original folder?

Any suggestions?


I am running osX on both 10.7.5



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Few things to check:

1. Check hidden files. I guess some of data might be stored in .SyncArchive

2. Check the UI (devices tab) - it usually shows amount of data to be synced as well as has a black "i" symbol which can show you which files to be synced yet.

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