In Mp4 File Not Syncing


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the last version is working well for me (1.3.93) between 2 mac and 1 win.
I have just one file which is not sync, a aaa.mp4\
With hidden files visible, on mac and pc, i can't see this files, like if it would not exist.
But bittroent says that it can't sync.
I have this in the log :

[2014-04-18 09:39:13] \\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4\ Piece 0 complete[2014-04-18 09:39:13] TorrentFile: applying stream "\\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4\" to file "\\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4"[2014-04-18 09:39:13] TorrentFile: CopyFrom: "\\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4\" "\\?\UNC\...\!sync"[2014-04-18 09:39:13] [SyncFolderNotify] Processing fs event


[2014-04-18 09:39:14] Torrent \\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4\ status:152 error:PostDownload: Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable.  meta:1 conns:0 io:0[2014-04-18 09:39:14] Force unloading torrent \\?\UNC\...\aaa.mp4\



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The file mentioned in the log is not actually a file, it is an apple's Extended Attribute (xattr), some additional data hiding in the aaa.mp4 file. Can you please let me know if it can't sync between Macs or between Mac and Windows?


If the second - what is the file system of the disk where your sync folder resides on Windows? My guess is that it is something not-NTFS and simply does not support alt streams.


If this is not your case - I urge to see your debug logs, collected from 2 peers which can't sync xattr.

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