Syncignorefile ?


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I have read all the help topics and Question and Answers section all over this wed site and the Whole WWW. so don't send me there.

If someone could help me locate the hidden file or help me make the file it would help.

I need step by step instructions in laymen terms.


Well, despite your suggestion not to send you to a help topic, you'll find information on where this file is located and step-by-step instructions of how to use it in the following Help Article: Ignoring files in Sync (IgnoreList)

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How do you find the file and how do you write to it?


As per the article I've directed you to "IgnoreList is located in hidden ".sync" folder"


So if you're syncing a folder named "test", you'll find IgnoreList under "test\.sync\IgnoreList"


Also, as per the article: "IgnoreList is a UTF-8 encoded .txt file" - you therefore edit it as you would any other .txt file (i.e. in a text editor)

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