How To Edit File Document ( Excel,word) On Ios?


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1) Make sure the file has actually downloaded (synced) to your iOS device

2) Open it with Excel



- If your iOS device only has a Read-Only key for the folder containing your Excel document, changes you make to it on your iOS device won't propagate to other devices

- The folder containing your Excel document may not be set to "Sync all" on your iOS device, meaning that it will display in the file list within Sync but may not have actually downloaded (which will need to happen before you can open/edit it)

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1) Make sure the file has actually downloaded (synced) to your iOS device

2) Open it with Excel


- If your iOS device only has a Read-Only key for the folder containing your Excel document, changes you make to it on your iOS device won't propagate to other devices

- The folder containing your Excel document may not be set to "Sync all" on your iOS device, meaning that it will display in the file list within Sync but may not have actually downloaded (which will need to happen before you can open/edit it)

Yes, i know that. The problem is when i edit and saved again in Excel Mobile ( it dont save back to sync app ) Excel app have no way to do that. So do you have another way to edit file and save it back to sync folder? I have tried Number app. it's can be save back to sync app but function in excel will be disapear :(

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  • 2 weeks later...


The issue is that in iOS all the apps are working in sandboxes - and no app is allowed to anyones else sandbox. So, when you tap long the file in Sync and "Open in..." it in other app, technically it is copied to other's app sandbox and opened there. As a results, after editing you need to "Open in..." it back to Sync to make it available to other peers.


So, you need some app which is capable on editing the excel doc as well as have an "Open in..." feature.


The sandbox behavior was slightly changed in iOS8 and there is a limited ability to get access to someone's else sandbox. It is not implemented yet in Sync, though we'd like to see it as part of Sync features in future.

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I use Sync to synchronize my iPad(iOS8.1.2) with multiple documents from a Windows 8.1 PC with essentially all being either Word or Excel documents.  It would be extremely useful if I can edit these documents on the iPad using Microsoft Word or Excel for iOS and have Sync process it "in place" rather than having to move the documents between Sandboxes.


What are the chances this feature will be added to Sync? 

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  • 1 month later...

+1 guys.  The ability to sync a folder with multiple file types to an iOS device and then be able to  edit/save those files back to the synced folder would transform this great sync app into something that could actually work with ipads/phones - please implement this as soon as possible.  I am currently crunching my way through multiple scenarios in an attempt to have my folders on an ipad in a usable form.  best option so far is with Microsoft onedrive - they have implemented this (ability to open/save different file types in one folder) quite well, BUT syncing with onedrive does not put your files actually on the ipad - they remain in the ether unless you saveas which defeats the object as I want the files locally on the tablet AND synced.  If anyone has an expected (hoped for) delivery date on this functionality that would be  great :-)

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